Role in plot
Epyon is created by Treize Khushrenada during his exile beginning in episode 26 of the anime. It is based on the five Gundams sent from space, and on the Tallgeese, the prototype mobile suit from which all military mobile suits are derived, and it is considered to be the second most powerful Gundam in the After Colony Era. The suit first appears at the end of episode 28, a clip show. The completed Epyon is presented to Heero Yuy by Treize in episode 34. Heero pilots it until episode 37, when he and Zechs Merquise meet in combat. Following the battle, in which Zechs is piloting Wing Zero, the two pilots exchange suits.
Zechs uses Epyon until the conclusion of the series, becoming a symbol for the White Fang rebellion. He uses the suit to single-handedly destroy OZ Space Fortress Barge in episode 41, and engages in combat with Heero Yuy again during episodes 44, 48, and 49. Following the disabling of Epyon at the conclusion of this battle, Zechs uses the Gundam to destroy part of the Battleship Libra, a superweapon, stolen from OZ by the White Fang, set on a collision course with Earth. Zechs and Epyon are believed destroyed in the explosion, and while Zechs returns in Endless Waltz, Epyon is not seen again.

Epyon is the physical manifestation of Treize Khushrenada's ideals. The suit is armed with weapons effective only in close quarters, avoiding ranged weaponry entirely. The main weapon is a large beam sword, connected directly to the suit's powerplant as opposed to running on its own internal power source, allowing its length and intensity to be adjusted considerably to cut through even heavily armored mobile suits like the Virgo. The second is a 'heat rod', a segmented whip-like projected chain housed in Epyon's shield. Deactivated, it can be used to trip or entangle the opponent. When activated, the material becomes super-heated, allowing it to cut and burn through armor. The Epyon Claws serve as landing gear in mobile armor mode. The claws also extend over the hand preventing the Epyon from holding a ranged weapon, holding true to its chivalrous design nature.
Epyon is also capable of transforming into a mobile armor mode, which bore a striking resemblance to a two-headed dragon. In this mode, Epyon is capable of more fuel efficient long-range flight, although its weapons are inaccessible.
The other main feature of the design is the inclusion of the ZERO System, a high-powered combat super computer capable of transmitting situational information, statistics and battle data directly to the pilot's brain. The Epyon's version is identical to the ZERO System found in Wing Zero, with the only difference being that Epyon's system operates through a helmet interface as opposed to the various cockpit monitors common to all mobile suits.

- During the combat between Epyon and Wing Zero in episode 49, the appearance of Epyon carrying projectile weapons was given. At one point, Wing Zero fires its vulcan cannons at Epyon while they both fly through the corridors of the collapsing Battleship Libra. Vulcan fire is then returned from Epyon's direction. There were no other suits in the area. This inconsistency is often attributed to an animation error. Although it is possible that Zechs Marquise has had vulcan cannons put into Epyon shortly before his final battle against Heero, it would not break Treize Khushrenada's laws of chivalry to equip a close-quarters weapon with vulcan cannons for the purposes of destroying incoming projectiles such as missiles.
- In many video games based on the Gundam series, the Epyon is piloted by Treize even though he was never seen using it in the anime. In New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Endless Duel and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, Epyon is piloted by Milliardo Peacecraft (Zechs).