Tuesday, September 23, 2008

GX-9900 Gundam X

In the anime series Gundam X, the GX-9900 Gundam X ("GX") is one of three advanced mobile suits types created by the United Nations Earth ("UNE") Space Force to fight against the Space Revolutionary Army ("SRA"). The Gundam X was the most powerful of the three models mainly because of its powerful weapon, the Satellite Cannon, which was specifically designed to destroy space colonies. This cannon was powered by a super-microwave energy beam which was transmitted from a solar power station on the moon. Like all Gundams from the 7th Space War era, the GX features a Flash System that is used to control a group of unmanned Bit mobile suits. The Bit model designed for the GX is the FX-9900 GX-Bit, which is also armed with the satellite cannon. Its primary limitation was that only a Newtype could activate the Flash System and initialize the Satellite System.

Other armaments of the Gundam X are a large beam sword, a pair of breast vulcan guns and a hand-carried shield that can be fold into a buster rifle. In addition, the Gundam X can be docked with the GS-9900 G-Falcon fighter for increase mobility and additional armaments.

Since it was considered to be the most dangerous of mobile suits, the Gundam X has a special anti-theft system. The removable G-controller stick is needed to activate a Gundam X. This controller has been shown to activate any other GX, and later in the series, the Double X.

The Gundam X was used at the end of the Seventh Space War in an attempt to stop the SRA from dropping space colonies on the Earth. During this time, Jamil Neate was the pilot of a Gundam X and he used his Gundam and a large army of GX-Bits to destroy a colony which was positioned for a drop on the Earth. In response, the SRA dropped dozens of colonies on the Earth. Nearly all of the new Gundam X units were destroyed during this time but at least two intact unit survived in the war.Jamil's unit was heavily damaged and later being recycled by the UNE.

Fifteen years later, one of the intact Gundam-X unit was found by 15-year-old Garrod Ran in a abandoned military base, he later joined the crew of the Freeden. When he and Tiffa Adill, a mysterious Newtype girl, are cornered by renegade mobile suit riders, she registers the Satellite Cannon with the lunar base, and Garrod fires the weapon, obliterating their enemies. He is later able to use the Cannon without a fully-functioning Newtype in the cockpit. The GX was later heavily damaged by Carris Nautilus' RMSN-008 Bertigo but was repaired and modified by Kid Salsamille into the GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider. After the GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X is stolen by Garrod from the New UNE, Kid modified the control systems so that Jamil Neate could pilot the GX without the G-controller.

Three GX units are known to have survived into the After War era. One was found and piloted by Garrod. The second was Jamil's old unit which New United Nations Earth studied to develop the Double X. The third was found in A.W. 0024 by Vultures Rick Arel and Rosa II, aboard a sunken UNE submarine. A mysterious, unstable Newtype named Kai was found in suspended animation in the cockpit, but Arel soon gained possession of the Gundam. Unlike the unit Garrod discovered, this Gundam X was black, though it was soon repainted in the standard white color scheme. As it lacked the shield buster rifle, Arel's Gundam X was refitted with a more conventional shield and beam rifle. Although the Satellite System's lunar station had been destroyed in A.W. 0015, Arel's Gundam X was able to receive microwave energy and fire the Satellite Cannon, revealing that a new station has been built to replace the old one.